




前に男の浮気についてを話しました。様々な人が読んでくださったのでとてもうれしいです!💛ありがとうございました!!それとも、このメールがもらいました。 「次は是非、回りにいる浮気する女性を分析して下さい。浮気されるのは女子だけでは無く、浮気されて知らないまま分かれている男子もいっぱい居ます。女子の嘘を男子は馬鹿なので気づきません。笑よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m」


Hello! Its Jessica! I had previously talked about men cheating before.Thank you for all those who read my blog post! I'm so happy ^^ In addition, I also recieved this mail. "Next time, please analyze women who cheat! Its not only women who are cheated on but there are many men out there who are cheated on and don't even know it. To say, men don't notice womens lies... please help me!"



Just like this person said, it's not only men, but women as well who cheat. So I am going to be talking about that today.Morever, the rate for men and women cheating is about equal. It could be that Japan is making women more responsible for cheating then men.


 I know.. your probably thinking "what the hell are you talking about?"... please let me explain a little. I believe you all know the beautiful Japanese Talent Becky and her recent scandal withthe vocalist from 'gesu no kiwami otome' named kawatani.


 Despite both of them having an affair, thanks to the media, most people thought it was all her fault. However, it takes 2 people to cheat!! Who knows if she even knew he was married.. (I think she did though..lol)Still, he could have told lies like "I don't have a wife" or maybe "we will get a divorce soon".It's not "his" or "her" fault, its both there faults!! If you really think about it, didn't they both do something bad.

「世の中の女性はけっこう浮気してる」「女子は隠すのがうまい」と言っている人はいる。 女子って浮気することを隠すのは上手いなの?本当に?(笑)冗談でしょう?どうでしょうかね。。嘘を上手く言える人は女性も男性もいっぱいいますね。ベッキみたいにかわいい女の子に騙されることは毎日起こることがあるかもしれませんね。。みんなさんが騙されないように浮気すること女性のタイプについてご紹介させていただきたいと思います。

There are people who say things such as "There are many girls who cheat. They are just better at hiding it!!" So us women, are good at hiding cheating...Really?? Your kidding right?I wonder? There are both men and women who are good at lieing.There are probably many men out there who every day are being decieved by girls like "Becky". Well, so that more men don't get decieved, I am doing to introduce you to the types of girls who are likely to cheat.

①寂しがり屋 "The Lonely One"




 First off, those hungry for love, the girls with longing, are the ones who fall in love with cheating. Asking for the love they desire and are deprived of every day, with that emptyness they move on to other men.


 ②肉食系の女 "The Man Hunter"





Not only are they determined to snatch a date with the economically stable bachelors, but they want to OWN them and treat the entire thing like an "adventure"


The Real Man Hunters, will find the "hottest" guy, the one who is outgoing, ect, and will have him be her new game.

③モテたい自意識過剰な女 The Girl Who Wants to be Popular



 The type of girl that has pictures of mostly her (selfies). The girl who is wishing for all eyes to be on her. Wearing new and flashy clothes for the sake of standing out and being noticed. (Don't worry if your just a girl whose into fashion, that's different)

④優柔不断な女 The Indecisive Girl



The girl who has the swaying opinion, even going so far as changing it to match others. The type of girl who is so bad at saying "no" or refusing invites. The type of girl who "slips" into an affair.




However, there will always be those people who you don't expect to have an affair.

 乙武さん。。(*。*)like Mr. Otsutake...



So how was it? Cheating is horrible right? If you want to date other people, just break up with your current Bo~ If you see these signs be careful okay? Also, if your like becky and end up cheating, apologize quickly and PLEASE PLEASE try not to do it again!!!Thanks for reading!!





See you Later





